Midwife Marketing hits a little different in 2024. There’s a lot of information out there about the best strategies for social media. You could spend all day reading the back and forth of short form video versus long form or carousels versus stories or you could take a moment to go back to the basics. Midwifery marketing is special. It’s unique. It also… doesn’t need to be that hard. The truth is that birth businesses can post just about anything, as long as it is authentic and showcases who you are as a midwife.

Here are a few things that will always work when it comes to midwifery marketing and social media.

1. Authentic Storytelling:
Share genuine snippets of your midwifery journey – the highs, the challenges, and your favorite moments. Authenticity resonates with your audience, building a real connection that goes beyond midwifery expertise.

2. Engage with Your Community: Social media isn’t a one-way street. Interact with your followers – respond to comments, ask questions, and encourage discussions. Building a community fosters trust and turns your page into a virtual gathering place.

3. Showcase Behind-the-Scenes: Take your audience on a journey behind the scenes. Share photos of your space, introduce your team, and give a sneak peek into your daily life. It humanizes you and makes you more relatable and inviting!

4. Educational Snippets: Empower your audience with valuable insights. Share educational content about pregnancy, childbirth, and midwifery care. Brand yourself as the expert in your community.

5. Celebrate Milestones: Acknowledge the beautiful moments – the births, anniversaries, and the highlights. Celebrate your clients, their growing families, and the shared victories. It not only adds a personal touch but also creates a positive atmosphere on your page.

When it comes to midwifery marketing, authenticity is key. You will build a community by just being yourself.